The Supply Chain and Medicines Verification

Information on Designated Wholesalers

Guide for
healthcare distributors

Q&A for
healthcare distributors

Alert handling
and prevention process

On Saturday 9 February 2019, a major deadline set by the EU Delegated Regulation on Safety Features, which is part of the so-called Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD), was reached. A Europe-wide process to verify medicines, based on the European Medicines Verifications System and the Point-of-Dispense Verification process will go live across Europe.

From that date on, the entire pharmaceutical sector has to comply with the requirements established in the Falsified Medicines legislation. These requirements include the mandatory verification of each pack in pharmacies and hospitals and a range of obligations on the participants in the pharmaceutical supply chain, including full-line wholesalers who process thousands upon thousands of medicines packs in their distribution centres every day.

This website provides background information to wholesale distributors and other logistical service providers in the supply chain on what to expect from suppliers and how to meet the regulatory requirements as impacting the wholesale distribution of prescription medicines; however the document will also be of interest to all other supply chain operators.

Participating Countries and contact details


Be inform on our upcoming events!

61st GIRP Annual Meeting and Conference

Dates: 24-26 May 2020
Location: Grand Hyatt, Berlin, Germany

5th GIRP Supply Chain Conference

Dates: 13-13 March 2020
Location: Vienna, Austria